Free tier
Access financial market data at no cost
We offer a free tier for all registered users, allowing you to try our services without any financial commitment. This free tier is designed for small businesses that require access to financial market data but do not consider it the core of their operations.
What is the Free Tier?
The free tier is designed to provide a taste of our premium offerings, while still offering enough functionality to support the basic needs of small businesses. By offering this free tier, we aim to help you understand the value of our services and make an informed decision about upgrading to a paid plan in the future, if necessary.
The free tier includes access to a range ofmoreservices and features that cater to the needs of small businesses and individuals. Some of these features include:
Limited access to financial market data: Obtain essential information on stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies to make informed decisions for your business.
Basic analytics tools: Utilize user-friendly tools to analyze market trends, identify potential opportunities, and monitor your investments.
Customizable dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to track the financial instruments that matter most to your business.
Knowledge base: Access a comprehensive library of resources, tutorials, and FAQs.
Risk-free exploration: Try out our services without any financial commitment, giving the opportunity to evaluate their suitability for your business needs before deciding on a paid plan.
Cost-effective solution: The free tier offers sufficient functionality for small businesses that require access to financial market data but do not consider it the core of their operations, potentially saving you money.
Ease of use: Our platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for you to access and analyze financial market data without needing extensive prior knowledge.
Networking opportunities: Connect with other users in our community forums, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and potential partnerships.
Continuous learning: Access our knowledge base and support resources to expand your understanding of financial markets and enhance your decision-making capabilities.
How to Get Started?
Follow the Getting Started page.
Upgrade Options
While the free tier provides a valuable starting point, you may find that your needs evolve over time. If you require more advanced features and support, consider upgrading to one of our paid plans. Our flexible pricing options cater to amorewide range of budgets and requirements, ensuring that you can find the perfect solution for your growing business.